Monday, December 19, 2011

                                                         “GLORY ASLEEP IN THE HAY”

            Saturday morning, as our choir recorded a DVD and completed the dress rehearsal for the Christmas production this short, but profound phrase from the practice remained lodged in my brain.  

            Consider with me, the all-powerful all-knowing, God who was and is and is to come was sleeping, as a baby, in common, smelly, itchy hay!  If you really think about it, how can you wrap your mind around a scene like that?   I confess I can’t.   Yet, I’ve noticed some interesting things about this picture.

            First, Glory is asleep in an everyday stinking irritating circumstance of life.   Do you ever have any of those?   Our nephew, Joe recently had a baby girl, Isabella, who took a long time getting here.  I joked with Joe, why she would choose not to come out.  If you were Isabella, why would you decide to venture into this harsh, fowl-smelling, and cold-hearted world when she could just remain snug, warm, well-fed, and secure right where she was?  In Isabella’s case, labor had to be induced.   Of course, this begs the question – What induces your labor?

            Second, sleeping implies that, Jesus was at peace with His circumstance.  Peace is something that is often hard to pin down.   It’s easy to wish that all of our problems would simply disappear and then we would have peace.  Right?   How sad that, new problems often pop up before the old troublesome ones are resolved.   If, I’m not clinging to Christ and depending upon Him for direction, what hope do I have in weathering the many storms of life?

            Finally, I come to see that “Glory Asleep in the Hay,” is just one snapshot in the journey of Christ’s life.  Perhaps, even as a tiny child, Glory knew who He was.   I have no hope in finding peace to cope with those people and circumstances that get on my last nerve, unless I’m willing to abandon my justifiable resentments, anger, and pride.   So, I make a choice to be cared for and to cling to this little infant and His supreme message of love, as my only hope for peace this Christmas.   As each of you move into this final week of preparations, I pray you will find peace and “Glory Asleep in the Hay.”

Monday, December 12, 2011

At His Feet:
            The sun can have unusual effects upon landscapers, because we spend so much of our time exposed to it.   One such fall-out for me occurred in my mid-forties when, I had to have cataracts removed from both my eyes.   I’ll never forget the day I left the crowded surgeon’s office (filled with elderly people) each of us wearing those stupid nerdy glasses that looked worse than the kind they hand out in 3-D movies.   Yet, when my eyes adjusted, it was as if the whole world had been driven through a car wash.   The ordinary plants, trees, and flowers, I had worked with each day had become dull in comparison to the brilliant shimmering ones that now flashed before my new eyes.    

             I wonder if that might be how the immoral woman in Luke 7 might of felt, when she realized what Jesus had done for her.   The Pharisees, seated around the table, wanted Him to condemn her as a sinner.   Instead, Jesus used the humble act of the immoral woman anointing His feet with expense perfume, weeping, and then drying His feet with her hair as a lesson in true worship. 

            Perhaps, many of us, long time Christians, forget that we were not born into Christianity.   Yes, we might have been following Jesus for quite a while, but I wonder if our image and appreciation of Him has diminished or become cloudy.   It’s too easy for us veteran Christians become caught up in tedious practices of our faith and neglect the person of Christ himself.  He is our Savior and Redeemer!   We may not have been what the old folks once called “an especially wicked sinner,” yet just one of our careless sins would have been enough to send Jesus to the cross. 

            I challenge you to catch a glimpse of the huge debt of sin Christ purchased to restore fellowship for us with the Father.   Break out of the monotonous dry modes of personal worship you have used in the past and offer our Savior fresh extravagant worship that costs you something.  See Him for who and ALL that He is!  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

                                                                                                   Snake Crushing:

            I don’t give much thought to the snakes they call black racers, so long as I’m riding on my mower or else have an edger or weed-wacker in-hand.  It’s those brown ones, with the yellow stripes, which glide on the water.   Look out!   (Not to mention, those other ones who shake and rattle their tails.)   

            Although the Bible compares Satan to a snake, the book of Romans assures us that the God of peace will soon crush him under our feet.   Are you ready for that day?  Do you ever tire of the devil’s annoying attempts to get in the way of your relationship with God?  In Hebrew 2:14-15, we find because of Jesus’ sinless life He became our perfect sacrificial offering to God the Father, allowing us to experience a warm continuous relationship with Him.   Even though Satan had power over death, don’t forget Jesus’ death and resurrection left Satan powerless.   

            I John 3:8, reminds us that Jesus purpose for coming to the earth was to destroy the works of Satan.  It’s almost amusing to see the devil’s continued attempts to thwart Jesus ministry.   Our Savior never recoiled.   Instead, he either resisted or simply dismissed Satan.   

            Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Satan isn’t cleaver, powerful or influential.  He’s brilliant, yet he’s no match for his Creator.   In James 4:7 we’re told to just “submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee,”(NIV).    Every Christian has the power to keep the enemy of our souls under our feet.

            “Our Father, today we thank you Jesus.   Now through the power of your Holy Spirit, working in us, may we be strengthened and propelled to live God honoring lives.   In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray.   Amen.”

Thursday, November 17, 2011


            Recently the Lord has been showing me importance of fences in my life.  Fences are just boundary markers allowing for physical enclosure of your property.   Even a simple hedge between two houses can provide a sense of yard inclusion. 

            As a Landscaper, fences, while necessary, are not always my friend.   They involve extra work because grass and weeds grow up next to and in-between fence slots.  I could use grass killing products, such as Round-up; yet to maintain a well manicured appearance, trim-line weed-eating is the method of choice.     

            Fences serve two purposes.   One, it establishes a barrier to block out what we don’t want to experience and second the fence allows us to and contain and maintain those things we need to be paying attention to.   Spiritually speaking, there are all sorts of things Satan throws in our paths to distract and frustrate us.   While, I may never be able to successfully block out every annoying arrow he hurls my way, by taking the time to erect spiritual fences, we can keep alert and avoid getting sidetrack.   

            Have you ever watched the process of building a fence piece by piece?  I admit I don’t have the eye or patience for it.   A plumb line is used at every step of the way and you’re measuring constantly to make sure it looks straight as an arrow.  

            Although fences will always be expensive and difficult to construct, we continue to enjoy the solitude and seclusion they provide.  (Fences also help contain our dogs and keep us from having to look at the foot high grass in the neighbor’s back yard.  These are just a couple of added benefits.) 

            Prayer:   “Holy Spirit please reveal specific hedges, barriers or boundary markers that can help me stay focused today and steer clear of all that would deter me from glorifying You with my life.   Amen.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

                                                                   Flip-Flops Won’t Cut It

            Any landscaper, who works more than one season, can tell you that wearing flip-flops won’t cut for long.   Good shoes and proper foot-care are essential.  Blisters, cuts, and insect bites are not our friends.   Strong feet, ankles and legs are provided by God as a good foundation, yet as landscapers we have to do our part. 
            Our foot/ankle combination is made up of about 26 bones and over 30 joints.  It also contains almost a hundred muscles, ligaments, and tendons all working together to allow you to stand, walk, run, pivot, and make a variety of other functional movements.   Athletes know that by applying sox’s properly, getting a good shoe fit, and lacing shoes by the book, you will have increased speed and endurance.   However, unlike athletes, landscapers are on our feet more hours of the day so.   We’ll need, band-aides, lubricants, sports tape, and foot pads, to avoid blistering aching feet. 
            Just as our feet become the foundation upon which we operate, Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and our chief foundation stone.  In Matthew 7:24, Jesus tells us that anyone who listens to his teaching and follows it, he will become wise.   He will be like the man who builds his house on a solid rock.   According to the apostle Paul,  Jesus wants our spiritual house (our body) to be built on the best and only true foundation, Jesus Christ, (1 Corinthians 3:11).   The person who “digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock, when the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built,” Luke 6:48 (NLT)
             Is your spiritual house well built?  Are you standing on a solid foundation?  How are your spiritual feet looking these days?  If you’re not already a Christ follower why not become one?  Write me back and I’ll tell you how.  If you are a Christian and need additional strength or endurance why not take a little extra time and renew your relationship with Christ, through prayer and reading his Word?   Oh and those cheep flip-flops, ditch-um.  Winter’s coming!


Saturday, November 5, 2011


            Forcing myself out of the nice warm bed, I grimaced once my feet hit floor.   Ouch, I thought, remembering I had started jogging again the day before.  The lactic acid which had built up in my legs was punishing - a high price to pay for good health.

            During this same week, I’d been troubled by a noise coming from the back of my lawn truck.  At first, I thought it might be the hitch, but later realized it was my heavy metal bagger.   The bungee cord I had used to secure it to the metal trailer had stretched out of shape.   That cord could no longer secure my bagger, yet now was the perfect fastener needed to hold my ladder in place. 

            Later, I remembered a great sermon illustration shared by Jonathan Faggart about rubber bands.   Pastor explained that, over time, as rubber bands are used they loose their form and elasticity.   Like with rubber bands (or bungee cords) if we allow ourselves be stretched by God, our shape and capacity will be changed forever, by the tensions being exerted upon us. 

            Are there trials that are beyond your capacity to endure?  Do you ever feel stretched out of shape?  Perhaps you’re being expanded or developed for a greater purpose?   Too often, I find myself recoiling from the painful things of life instead of embracing them.  Like the Psalmist, we should be brave and courageous, waiting patiently for the Lord, (Psalm 27:14).   As He transforms us through the process of stretching, we are made whole, complete, and will lack nothing.   Our capacity to encourage others with their trials will also be increased and expanded.

            Oswald Chambers once said, “God never gives strength for tomorrow, or for the next hour, but only for the strain of the minute.”   Embrace the Stretch.  


Thursday, October 27, 2011


        Ok, so you’re not a Writer.   Do you have any senior moments?  Have you ever forgotten something important you wanted to accomplish?   I have, yet, these days, not so much.  I’ve learned to keep a notebook, legal, pad or even a blank envelope with me throughout my day.   Yesterday, I even wrote a note to myself reminding me to make a laminated sign for a customer’s gate that prompts everyone to keep it closed, so her dog won’t get out.  

        Writing things down can be invaluable.   Most people report that with the simple act of writing something down, they remember it without the note.  That’s because the idea becomes cemented in our brains by using our visional and kinetic movements.   These days, with life assaulting our senses on every front, a pad can be a powerful weapon against absentmindedness.  

        Even the prophet Habakkuk used a pad (well maybe a scroll) in his communication with God.  In Habakkuk 2:1,2 (NLT) he states: “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post.  There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.  Then the Lord said to me, ‘Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.’” 

        When Habakkuk came before God he wasn’t in a hurry.   He planned ahead of time and brought his writing materials, expecting to get an answer or insight.   Why do we need to be in a hurry when we come before omniscience?  Would we forget to bring pen and paper to class?  When we encounter the Lord God Almighty, are we prepared for revelatory knowledge?   Keep your pad close.  Don’t leave home without one.   Have a blessed day.  


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blowing Lizards

     As a Landscaper, one of the most fun things I get to do is blow lizards around with my back-pack blower.  (My now adult son loves this even more than me!)  The thrill of seeing those poor defenseless creatures trying to cling on to anything for dear life is the bomb!

     Shouldn’t that be our posture as Christians?  Standing with arms outstretched waiting for the wind of The Holy Spirit to blow on us.  That wind is always refreshing, life-giving, and progressive. 

     I’m reminded of the story found in Ezekiel 37, where the prophet was led to a bunch of dry bones scattered across a broad valley.  The Lord asked Ezekiel if he believed that the old bones could come to life.  God told him to prophesy to the bones and he watched as the Lord assembled full skeletons of people and adding flesh, muscles and skin.  

     Although this miracle happened right before Ezekiel’s eyes, the bodies still had not come to life.  The Lord told Ezekiel again to prophesy to the dead bodies so that they would breath again.  Ezekiel did and the scripture said the bodies stood upright as a mighty army!

     So many times I trudge through life feeling like a set up those old dried up bones.  Why not let THE wind of the Holy Spirit blow upon us and give life.  Like those Lizards, why not throw your hands into the air and acquiesce to His life giving power?

Blowing Lizards

     As a Landscaper, one of the most fun things I get to do is blow lizards around with my back-pack blower.  (My now adult son loves this even more than me!)  The thrill of seeing those poor defenseless creatures trying to cling on to anything for dear life is the bomb!

     Shouldn’t that be our posture as Christians?  Standing with arms outstretched waiting for the wind of The Holy Spirit to blow on us.  That wind is always refreshing, life-giving, and progressive. 

     I’m reminded of the story found in Ezekiel 37, where the prophet was led to a bunch of dry bones scattered across a broad valley.  The Lord asked Ezekiel if he believed that the old bones could come to life.  God told him to prophesy to the bones and he watched as the Lord assembled full skeletons of people and adding flesh, muscles and skin.  

     Although this miracle happened right before Ezekiel’s eyes, the bodies still had not come to life.  The Lord told Ezekiel again to prophesy to the dead bodies so that they would breath again.  Ezekiel did and the scripture said the bodies stood upright as a mighty army!

     So many times I trudge through life feeling like a set up those old dried up bones.  Why not let THE wind of the Holy Spirit blow upon us and give life.  Like those Lizards, why not throw your hands into the air and acquiesce to His life giving power?

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I love the story of Elisha helping the Poor Widow in chapter 4 of Second Kings (NLT).  The woman came to the Prophet announcing that her husband had died and a creditor was going to take her two sons as slaves to pay the debt.  

Without becoming caught up in her emotions, Elisha asked, “What do you have?”

She replied, “Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil.”

His instructions were simple.   Begin borrowing as many empty jars as she could find.  Next, after the three of them were in privacy, begin filling the jars with oil.  By the time, she and her sons ran out of empty jars the oil stopped flowing.  The widow had enough oil to sell pay the creditor and live on the profits left over. 

In the Bible, God often used oil as a symbol for the Holy Spirit.  How many times do we as men walk around full of ourselves refusing to come to God to ask for help.  His all powerful enabling Holy Spirit waits eager help us if we’ll simply come to Him like one of those empty jars.  

Instead, we too often, run others for help or try to buy tools that won’t solve our problem.  All the while, His still small voice is calling us to empty ourselves.  Then He asks, “What we have to work with?”   Holy Spirit can then take these ordinary accouterments of this life and empower them to become EXTRA-ordinary tools in our hands.   “EMPTY?  What do you have to work with?”

Friday, September 30, 2011

Why We Believe a Lie?  

Remember, Jack Nicholson’s famous line in the movie, A Few Good Men, “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”   Is it the comfortable lie that saves us from a cruel pain truth creates?  If we embrace the lie, does it help us cope with the reality that we aren’t self sufficient?   If we’re not careful it can perpetuate the myth that we have no need for others, and most of all God.   

So what makes the lie so easy to swallow?  Is the truth really so much harder to grasp?

In John 8:32 and 33, we find Jesus talking to his disciples about truth and freedom.  He tells them, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free,”(NLT).  At first, they didn’t get it saying, “But we are descendants of Abraham, we have never been slaves to anyone.   What do you mean, you will be set free?”
Later, in John 14:6, Jesus declares that He (Jesus) is the way the truth and the life.  He goes on to say that no one can come to Father God except through Him.  Jesus is the only way we can have a relationship with God, (our Father).   Jesus is the Living Word of God.  In John 17:17 he prays, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
As Christ followers, we need to be on guard to the lies Satan will use to distract us from the truth found in God’s Word.  Too often, we forget the subtle ways in which a lie can be presented.  Jesus gives us some great news in John 16:12-14.  He says that the truth Jesus had to share with us is more than we can bear so the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.   Isn’t that incredible? We don’t have to hook everyone we meet up to a lie detector machine to see if they are telling us the truth.  Holy Spirit promises to guide us into truth, all of it.  Don’t believe a lie?  Connect with Holy Spirit and see what fascinating truths He is willing to disclose to you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


            It’s a hotter than average afternoon and you’re soaked with sweat.   Although pleased with the workout, every muscle in your body aches.   It’s then that the unforgettable phrase pops into your mind.  “Things go better with Coke.”   In the distance you see a Coke machine next to that parking garage.   You trudge toward it with the little bit of energy you have left.   Unraveling the scrunched up dollar bill in your shorts you insert it and wait for your bottle of thirst quenching soda to drop.   Nothing.  You wait five whole seconds longer.  Still nothing.  No one’s looking so you give the machine a fist bump and then a kick.   Then that aggravating still small voice inside reminds you you’re a Christian. 

            How many times have we played out this same scenario where people are concerned?    We have a need and come to that person knowing they can meet the need and they don’t.  If the truth be told, we’d love to hit, kick, and scream at that person in much the same way we’d take out our frustrations on a busted coke machine.  Yet, we hold back and seethe.   Sometimes the machine is unplugged.  Maybe empty?   However, most times it’s broken and completely incapable of giving.   

            So what is our sweaty irritated friend to do?  The temperature outside and inside our friend is getting hotter?   Of course he could look for another Coke machine, but wouldn’t it have been easier to have thought ahead and ended the run at a convenience store?   How many times have we placed what seemed a simple expectation on others only to be disappointed?

            All of a sudden, we can choose to remember we have another helper.  Almost hidden in the background we can remember God.  In the Amplified version of Isaiah 30:18 we read: “The Lord earnestly waits expecting, looking, and longing to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all those who earnestly wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship!”

            If one person can’t help you God can help you find others who can meet your need.  Remember in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount he says, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” Matt. 6:34 (NLT).   In Hebrews 4:16 the scripture reminds us that we can come boldly before the throne of our gracious God to find help when we need it the most. 

            The Message Bible provides a beautiful paraphrase of Romans 8:26.  “God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along.  If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter.  He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.  He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God.  That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

            “Lord, please help each of us today to lower our expectations of others and increase our anticipation of Your help.  Amen.”

            (The Coke Machine illustration was first used by Stephen Artherburn, of New Life Ministries.)   

Thursday, September 15, 2011


            With all the emphasis on being world citizens these days, Christians are often seen as being bigots for believing Jesus is the singular way to heaven.   Yet, as Christians we can see from the Bible that God the Father has always longed for a personal relationship with mankind.  Because of His very nature of being holy He could not relate to us in an individual way because of our sin problem.   Sin has always separated mankind from God. 

            To take care of our sin problem, God tried to make covenants with man.  In the book of Genesis, we see God stepping in and making a covenant with Adam.  The Adamic Covenant required that Adam and Eve not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but they sinned and broke the agreement.  God made another covenant with Noah and then a different one with Abraham.  These agreements were also broken  because of sin.   In time, God made a covenant with Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments.   Right, we haven’t been able to keep those either.  Then King David who was said to have a heart after God’s own heart, entered into a covenant with the Father, but sinned too spoiling the covenant.  

            Even from a cursory review of the Old Testament, we see that sin always had to be satisfied with a blood sacrifice.   Countless animals were forfeited and great care was taken for how they should be presented to God as compensation for sin.  Since man could never keep up his part of the covenant, one day God the Father set into motion the ultimate solution for man’s sin problem.   With the agreement before the world was ever created, He and Jesus knew of a New and Everlasting covenant they would make with mankind.   God the Father’s son Jesus would come to the earth as a human himself, live a perfect life, and then as an innocent man be humiliated, tortured, and murdered on a cross as ultimate payment for the sins everyone.    That’s why in Matthew 26:28 we hear Jesus say, “For this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people.  It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many,” (NLT)

            These days most people are repulsed by the sight or thought of blood.  “Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood,” (Romans 3:24,25, NLT).  

             As Christians this is what makes us unique.   We don’t have to follow a list of rules to get to heaven.  Hebrews 9 describes the grueling process mankind use to have to go through to have relationship with God.   Instead, because of Christ we can simply accept the precious gift of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins and turn away from them with the strength of his Holy Spirit living inside us.   Hebrews 10:22 tells us that we can, “go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting in him.   For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean and our bodies have been washed with pure water,” (NLT).

            No other religion offer’s a path to heaven without a set of unobtainable good works.   This is why we call the gospel of Jesus Christ the good news.   It’s something worth shouting about!   I hope we can all say with R.A. Torrey:

            “I am ready to meet God face to face tonight and look into those eyes of infinite holiness, for all my sins are covered by the atoning blood.”


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“Do You Have Rocks In Your Head?”

            Throughout the book of Genesis we find godly men building altars.  Remember Abraham erecting one on which he prepared to sacrifice his only son?   What about, Joshua instructing the children of Israel to gather 12 stones from the river Jordan?   You know that river God had just parted so they could walk through to get to the promise land.  Joel 1:3 tells of how altars were used as continual reminders to God’s people of his grace and love for generations to come. 

            I’ve been blessed to have been walking with God now for well over forty years. God has done some incredible things in my life.  Many of these miracles and events still stand out, but many have been forgotten.  When these marvelous things were happening my emotions and gratitude were high, yet over time too many of these memories have faded. 

            Why not erect a few altars in your head?  Establish markers of special things God has done in your life.  If you think you’re too old to remember events clearly why not record them in a journal or use the Internet and set up a blog.  In this information age, God may be calling you to take advantage of this new medium to assemble contemporary altars to share with others. With so many of our friends and family members are scattered throughout the world, why not use this powerful resource to declare the wonderful works of God?  Why die with these inspiring thoughts and words of praise buried inside your brain?   You could record these in a letter, email, blog or website, and pass the ALTAR along.