Recently the Lord has been showing me importance of fences in my life. Fences are just boundary markers allowing for physical enclosure of your property. Even a simple hedge between two houses can provide a sense of yard inclusion.
As a Landscaper, fences, while necessary, are not always my friend. They involve extra work because grass and weeds grow up next to and in-between fence slots. I could use grass killing products, such as Round-up; yet to maintain a well manicured appearance, trim-line weed-eating is the method of choice.
Fences serve two purposes. One, it establishes a barrier to block out what we don’t want to experience and second the fence allows us to and contain and maintain those things we need to be paying attention to. Spiritually speaking, there are all sorts of things Satan throws in our paths to distract and frustrate us. While, I may never be able to successfully block out every annoying arrow he hurls my way, by taking the time to erect spiritual fences, we can keep alert and avoid getting sidetrack.
Have you ever watched the process of building a fence piece by piece? I admit I don’t have the eye or patience for it. A plumb line is used at every step of the way and you’re measuring constantly to make sure it looks straight as an arrow.
Although fences will always be expensive and difficult to construct, we continue to enjoy the solitude and seclusion they provide. (Fences also help contain our dogs and keep us from having to look at the foot high grass in the neighbor’s back yard. These are just a couple of added benefits.)
Prayer: “Holy Spirit please reveal specific hedges, barriers or boundary markers that can help me stay focused today and steer clear of all that would deter me from glorifying You with my life. Amen.”