Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“Do You Have Rocks In Your Head?”

            Throughout the book of Genesis we find godly men building altars.  Remember Abraham erecting one on which he prepared to sacrifice his only son?   What about, Joshua instructing the children of Israel to gather 12 stones from the river Jordan?   You know that river God had just parted so they could walk through to get to the promise land.  Joel 1:3 tells of how altars were used as continual reminders to God’s people of his grace and love for generations to come. 

            I’ve been blessed to have been walking with God now for well over forty years. God has done some incredible things in my life.  Many of these miracles and events still stand out, but many have been forgotten.  When these marvelous things were happening my emotions and gratitude were high, yet over time too many of these memories have faded. 

            Why not erect a few altars in your head?  Establish markers of special things God has done in your life.  If you think you’re too old to remember events clearly why not record them in a journal or use the Internet and set up a blog.  In this information age, God may be calling you to take advantage of this new medium to assemble contemporary altars to share with others. With so many of our friends and family members are scattered throughout the world, why not use this powerful resource to declare the wonderful works of God?  Why die with these inspiring thoughts and words of praise buried inside your brain?   You could record these in a letter, email, blog or website, and pass the ALTAR along. 

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