Tuesday, November 15, 2011

                                                                   Flip-Flops Won’t Cut It

            Any landscaper, who works more than one season, can tell you that wearing flip-flops won’t cut for long.   Good shoes and proper foot-care are essential.  Blisters, cuts, and insect bites are not our friends.   Strong feet, ankles and legs are provided by God as a good foundation, yet as landscapers we have to do our part. 
            Our foot/ankle combination is made up of about 26 bones and over 30 joints.  It also contains almost a hundred muscles, ligaments, and tendons all working together to allow you to stand, walk, run, pivot, and make a variety of other functional movements.   Athletes know that by applying sox’s properly, getting a good shoe fit, and lacing shoes by the book, you will have increased speed and endurance.   However, unlike athletes, landscapers are on our feet more hours of the day so.   We’ll need, band-aides, lubricants, sports tape, and foot pads, to avoid blistering aching feet. 
            Just as our feet become the foundation upon which we operate, Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and our chief foundation stone.  In Matthew 7:24, Jesus tells us that anyone who listens to his teaching and follows it, he will become wise.   He will be like the man who builds his house on a solid rock.   According to the apostle Paul,  Jesus wants our spiritual house (our body) to be built on the best and only true foundation, Jesus Christ, (1 Corinthians 3:11).   The person who “digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock, when the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built,” Luke 6:48 (NLT)
             Is your spiritual house well built?  Are you standing on a solid foundation?  How are your spiritual feet looking these days?  If you’re not already a Christ follower why not become one?  Write me back and I’ll tell you how.  If you are a Christian and need additional strength or endurance why not take a little extra time and renew your relationship with Christ, through prayer and reading his Word?   Oh and those cheep flip-flops, ditch-um.  Winter’s coming!


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