Today we’d consider such treatment of an innocent man, aside from the fact that He was our Savior and King, appalling. Non-Christians may not be able to physically crucify Jesus, yet they continue to demean, curse, degrade, and humiliate his reputation.
As Christians we might bristle at such treatment of Christ, however don’t we too often fail to share our faith, make excuses for missing corporate worship, hoard money, overlook service opportunities, ignore his blessing and forget to thank and praise Him?
Romans 14:11 states, “As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bend to me and every tongue will confess and give praise to God”(NLT.) Our Heavenly Father doesn’t appreciate teasing when it comes to worship. His son Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins so that we could have a new and everlasting relationship with Him. Jesus is worthy of ALL our Service, ALL our Worship, and ALL of Our Thanks & Praise!
Dear Father, please forgive us when we fail to give you the thanks, honor and praise for the many amazing thing you have done and continue to do for us each day. Help us to yield our minds, bodies, resources, and lips to your service and praise. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we ask this. Amen.
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